Financial Responsibility for Idaho

Supporting Idaho’s direct care workforce, as well as Idaho’s home and community based services program, is a smart use of taxpayer dollars — both today and in the long term. The alternatives to in-home care (institutional care) are far more expensive, separate Idahoans from their families and homes, and deny them of their liberties.

Spending Smarter

Annual cost per person of nursing home care in Idaho (semi-private room): $105,266

Annual cost per person of in-home care in Idaho: $67,164

Idaho taxpayers save more than $589 million each year because of the option for Idahoans with disabilities and older adults to receive in-home care

Our Financial Goals

• Keep more Idahoans out of institutions so they can live a life of their choosing, in their own homes — saving taxpayer dollars.

• Assure more independence, liberty, self-direction, and opportunity for financial freedom — both for those receiving direct care and those providing it.

• Establish direct care work as a sustainable life career choice with competitive wages, insurance, and training.

Proactive solution: Save money. Reactive: Throw more money at the problem when it becomes a bigger problem.

- Nichole C., Executive Director Terrace Health